This pancake recipe and the beautiful accompanying photo are courtesy of the lovely Karen Insignares from Saving Flavors. Karen develops recipes that save time and money while still being full of “flavor”.
Thanks to the addition of blueberries, these fabulous natural blue coloured pancakes are sure to excite the kids. They also have the advantage of being gluten-free so that they can be enjoyed by more people.
Oats and Gluten
Did you know that oats are actually gluten-free? However, they are often processed in the same place as wheat, barley and rye. Therefore, they end up becoming contaminated by those gluten containing grains. There are oats that are labelled “gluten-free”, however Coeliac Australia advises that it is best to avoid oats if you are a Coeliac sufferer. This is because some Coeliacs are also sensitive to avenin, which is a protein in oats that is similar to gluten.