A flavoursome Swedish Meatballs recipe that avoids gluten by including the added protein in almond meal instead of using bread. There are also dairy and grain free options.
Hints and tips for this recipe:
Step 1 – Using an unrefined cold pressed extra virgin oil is the best for your health. The more processed oils have had petroleum based chemicals used in the extracting process or have been heated to temperatures that make the oil unhealthy. Heat the unprocessed oils to a medium heat (on my electric stovetop I go no higher than 6) so that they don’t burn and smoke.
Step 2 – If you like nutmeg, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg here.
Step 3 – Using a guide like a measuring tablespoon makes the job so much easier. I bought online a cookie dough scoop which is much like the old ice-cream scoops. I have found it invaluable for getting even meatballs, protein balls, and cookies. This step is also a great place to get the kids involved.
Step 4 – Be gentle with the meatballs in this step, so that they don’t break apart.
Step 5 – This is the step where you can choose your cooking fat depending on what diet you may follow.
Step 6 – If you are using a starchy thickener, by coating the starch grains in oil, it helps to separate them and prevent a lumpy sauce.
Step 7 – By mixing in your liquid a little at a time, it also prevents lumps. But don’t be worried, as mixing it in off the heat makes it pretty foolproof.
Step 8 – A mixture that is being thickened needs to simmer for at least 1 minute in order to burst the cell wall of the starch grains and prevent a “floury” taste.
Step 9 – Let the meatballs simmer for 5 minutes to get them nice and hot again, then taste to see if you want to stir through more salt or pepper. In order to get more nutrients than are found in the traditional mashed white potato that these meatballs are traditionally served over, I serve them over mashed sweet potato or cauliflower.